
How often can I receive check-in messages?
You can receive 1 check-in text message for each day of the day. Messages can be scheduled for any and every day of the week, at the times you choose as be...
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 1:57 AM
How can I "snooze" my check-ins?
Easy! You can temporarily disable your check-ins via the following methods: Using the I'm Okay app. Sending "snooze X" to I'm Okay, whe...
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 1:57 AM
How can I send a 1-time check-in?
One-time check-ins can be scheduled via the Dashboard of the I'm Okay app, under the "Check-in Tools" section.
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 2:18 AM
When should I schedule my check-in messages?
You should schedule your check-ins to be sent at times you're most likely to be able to respond to them. You'll want to make sure these are times ...
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 2:19 AM